What can you expect when working with a staffing firm?

Working with B2B Labor Services is a 3 part process:

  1. The application

While you are more than welcome to contact us online and ask any questions that you may have, the application process must be completed in person. Our office is conveniently located near the Beltway and Veteran’s Memorial. You can find the address and contact us here.

2. The Resume

Your resume is the first impression you can make on your future employer. If you currently have a resume you can send it here, or bring a couple of copies into our office during the application process. If you don’t currently have a resume to work with, we can help you create one.

3. The Interview

We interview everyone in person so that we can get to know you, your strengths, and your specific terms for job placement.

Joining our team

Once you join our team, we ask that you give us a call once a week to provide us with your work availability. Other than that, we take care of everything required to keep you working. We will connect you with a potential employer, negotiate your terms with them so that everyone is on the same page, and schedule your start date. All you have to do is show up to the job on time and ready to work!